Color logo

3x5" sticker

Old logo and branding This was the branding they had been using for many years which was in great need of updating.

Color logo
Logo, branding, and visual identity standard for local recycling company GJ CRI.
Wanting to update their image and differentiate themselves, I worked with a team to come up with an updated logo and visual identity standard that represented the goals and beliefs of GJ CRI. The logo was improved upon by simplifying the existing elements and setting them within a leaf shape outline to create a singular form, that allows for greater versatility. Adopting a standardized font and general layout, was also vital to updating the companies new appearance. Letterhead, business cards, brochures, company website, social media sites, t-shirts, hats, stickers, trucks, trailers, advertising and information signs were all worked on and continue to be updated, establishing a consistent appearance throughout the company.